Monday, October 5, 2020

2020 Fourth Quarter Goals

 I've been thinking that this year has not been particularly productive for me.  But, when I think back, I've gotten a fair amount done.  I have not been productive every day.  I have not felt creative every day.  There are some days that just sitting on the couch is all I can do.  But, I've painted the deck, edged and mulched most of the garden beds, painted the garage, started and completed two quilts, started two sweaters (completed one), and worked on a good number of other quilts.  My UFO list is decreasing.  I have not started anything new that I have not completed.  I'm counting all this a being productive, despite feeling not quite myself.

I skipped the summer Ravelry quilt UFO challenge.  Mostly I could not bring myself to write a blog post.  I remember at the time feeling really overwhelmed and adding one more thing to my (self-imposed) list of things to do was depressing.  And, I figured I wouldn't get any of the UFOs done, so facing another list of things I hadn't done was not uplifting.  

Now, my outlook is a little rosier.  Some of the worries I had over the summer have been resolved, and I'm feeling a bit more creative.  So, here's the list of UFOs I plan to work on for the last quarter of the year:

1. Ladies of the Sea

I've been quilting on this most evenings.  I may have the quilting completed by the end of the year. I need to complete the hand quilting, bind and label.

2. Bright Baby revisited

I have not made progress on this.  The top is complete; it needs backing, basting, quilting and finishing.

3. Handy Dandy Scrappy

I basted this a few weeks ago.  It needs quilting, binding, and finishing.

4. Maxine

I put the top together and started quilting this a few weeks ago.  I need to complete the quilting, bind and finish

5. Blue Floral

I've been thinking about this and have a border design in my head.  That's as far as this has gotten.

6. Escher's Lizards

This will be my next hand project.  I've got the fabric and a few lizards put together as sort of a proof of concept.  I don't know how large I expect this quilt to be.

7. White Ginger

My daughter was engaged last November and has planned her wedding for November of 2021.  This is her wedding quilt.  I have the pattern, fabric, thread and desire.  I've had it in my head that I will start this in November and complete it by her wedding.  Time is getting close to start, so I should. Technically this is not a UFO since I haven't really started it yet. But I wanted it on the list so I don't forget that I want to work on this.

Monday, July 20, 2020

I'm Still here and Still Plodding Along

I'm still here, alive and well.  Had someone told me that we would still be battling Covid-19 while other countries are on the upswing, I probably would not have believed you.  But, it's still here, still raging and has not just disappeared as our national leader said it would.  Not that I believed him, but his incompetence has as astounded me.  I'm angry at the lack of respect for the scientific community and the ignorance of the population.  As such, I'm just a bit depressed and time seems mostly irrelevant.  This is a long way to say I haven't gotten nearly as much completed as I thought I would during our home-bound time this summer.

But, I did finally complete the quilting on Scrapitude Take 2 in May.  It's a fairly large quilt (92" square I think) and took me quite some time to complete.  But, here it is.  I used the opportunity to try out some new free motion techniques and practice my feathers.  I'm pleased with the results.  

The next project that got my attention was Bright Baby.  I was looking for some mindless sewing.  I had all the pieces cut out and all the 4-patch diamonds assembled and just had to put the top together. I'm looking forward to quilting this one.

As a consolation to myself for not being able to attend quilt meetings or  the cancelled quilt retreat, I decided to give a try to some on-line classes.  I took Beth Helfter's Accordion Sewn Half Square Triangles class.  I had never taken any on-line classes before and was a Zoom newbie.  The class was live with about 8 students from all over the US.  Beth is in my area and I had seen her speak before, so I knew a little about what I was getting.  The class was wonderful.  Beth was an attentive teacher with clear demonstrations and preparation.  The method for sewing the HSTs is fun and quick.  Now what to do with this block?  I'm going to make 3 more with different solid grey backgrounds and bright colors and assemble it into a lap/baby quilt.  Because, you know, I don't have enough projects to keep me busy.

Beth's web site is where you can find more information about her classes, books and the tools she sells.

A few friends wanted to take a class together one of them suggested Timna Tarr's Stitched Mosaic class.  This one was a series of recorded videos that walks you through the steps of creating a stitched mosaic picture based on a photo.  The project I did was based on her class example.  I blew up the photo to about 20" square because I wanted the finished project to be a largish wall hanging for my sewing room.  I like the technique because you only work on one 2" square at a time.  I'm getting used to the fractured image and am holding our final judgement until I get it quilted.  I was regretting not printing the original photo in color because I think it would have given me better indication of color placement.  I think that would be more important of I were using a photo of an animal or multi-colored object.  I'm looking forward to quilting this one and will probably start it this week.  You can find Timna and information on her classes here:

On an entirely different topic, I finally got an african violet to survive under my care.  My daughter bought this for me last spring with the special pot that is designed for violets to give them the right amount of water.  It survived the winter but was looking a little grey in some of the leaves.  I moved it to another window where it gets bright light but no direct sunlight, and added african violet fertilizer to the water and it's thriving!  I've never had one rebloom after buying it and never had one that looked this healthy after a few months.  I guess I've learned just how much care and neglect it can take.

You make have noticed a similarity in the last 4 photos.  Even though I do not have the creative energy that I thought I might have while mostly staying home, the creativity I do have is being translated into purples and bright colors.  It was a surprize to me.  I don't often work in bright colors, but I suppose those boost my mood and I'm not fighting it.

Last note - I do not like this new blogger interface.  I'm having a lot of trouble getting this formatted the way I want. Right now I'm tired of playing with it and want to get this posted.  So, here it is.  Done is better than perfect.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Winter Completions, Spring Goals

This documents a few finishes and the list of UFOs I plan to work on this next quarter.  Since I've only finished two of the 8 UFOs I listed in the goals for last quarter, none of the projects on the current UFO list is new.

On to the finishes....

I bought the fabric for this purse about a year ago.  I fell in love with the fabric and bought it with a purse in mind.  I had a pattern in mind, but it all came together when I found some leather at another sale.  The pattern is the Renegade Bag from Sew Sweetness.  It's a bit larger than bags I usually carry, but since I also make that little clutch earlier this year, I think this will work out for times I want a larger bag.  

My next finish is this bonus quilt that I made from left over border pieces from the left over Stars quilt I completed last quarter.  I realized it needed something else, and seemed like a good home for the chicken I had put together in another workshop.  The chicken wire quilting was a new technique for me using a template and chalk pounce powder.  I liked the pounce technique for marking the quilt, but it wore off a little too quickly.  I had to learn how much of the quilt I could mark at one time before I had to reapply.

And I finally finished this pair of socks that I started in January.  I just became disinterested in the pattern and yarn and procrastinated working on them.  They turned out lovely, though.

This is the UFO list for spring 2020:

1. Ladies of the Sea

She is in the hoop.  I've completed the outline quilting on 14 of the 16 blocks.  I'm still contemplating how the background will be quilted, but I'm a long way from having to make that decision.  This will not be completed this quarter, it's still on the list so I will make progress.

2. Scrapitude Take 2

My plan was to baste this large top at a quilting retreat that was scheduled for March.  However, the retreat was cancelled due to isolation orders because of COVID-19.  This quilt is large enough that it does not fit on my kitchen floor.  DH suggested the deck.  On a pleasant Saturday afternoon, I swept off the deck and got this pin basted.  I am currently machine quilting it and expect this will be my next completion.

3. Bright Baby Revisited

Again, still on the list.

4. Handy Dandy Scrappy

The next top to be basted and quilted.  I do not, however, have batting for this.  Depending on the timing, I may have to take advantage of the curb-side pick up of a local quilt shop that is struggling to remain open.

5. Maxine

Still here, too.

6. Blue Floral

I've been thinking about what I want to do to finish this piece.  I'm contemplating what kind of blocks I want to make for the border.  I just saw some log cabin blocks placed to make a wave or swag pattern.  That has potential. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

She's Getting Stuff Done!

Although I don't feel like I've gotten a lot done in the past 6 weeks or so, I do have quite a few finishes - just not very many UFO finishes.

OK, first a UFO finish.  I did complete the Left-over Stars quilt.  I think the finished size turned out to be something like 48" x 75".  It's just big enough to cover the top of my double bed with a few inches of overhang.  I like it, but I'm not in love with it.  Mostly I'm glad to have it done.

My next finish are these two adorable cats.  These patterns came courtesy of Val Spiers of Australia.  She published the patterns on her blog quite a few years ago and I used 2 of the 4 as decoration for an applique portfolio I made.  (Val is currently selling very nice American Girl clothing patterns on Etsy, by the way.)  I've always liked the cat patterns and decided to make these as entries to my guild's silent auction in May.  They're about 15" square each.  I hope they bring in good bids.

The next finish is this little purse.  I don't often carry a full-sized purse and my cell phone and my wallet don't always fit into the tiny pockets that are put into women's jeans these days.  I had been carrying another bag about this same size, but it's really not very attractive. I bought this fabric to make a full sized purse and had plenty to make this smaller piece for every day.  This will do just fine.

And there's this little zipper bag that I completed.  This was part of an estate that was donated to the guild.  It was mostly assembled.  I just finished it and am using it to hold a small knitting project. 

That's all for the finishes.  And, there was only one official UFO finish.  But, progress none-the-less.

 In addition to sewing, I started a pair of socks in January.  I've sort of lost interest in these once I got used to the stitch and got the leg on the first sock done.  I've been much more interested in hand quilting.  But, I've picked them back up this week and will try to plod along.

The biggest project is this baby.  I finally got Ladies of the Sea all together, completed hand basting and have started quilting.  As of today, I've completed outlining the applique and blocks on 6 of the 16 blocks.  I'm very much enjoying getting back to hand quilting.  I'm still thinking about what design I would like to use for the quilting.  There have been some gorgeous machine quilted versions of this that I've seen on the web.  I'm not sure how dense machine quilting would translate to hand quilting.  Sue Garman's original is quilted with a cross-hatch design and is stunning.  I've got quite a bit of outlining to do before I make this decision.

That's what's been keeping me busy lately.  I am still entertaining thought of knitting two cardigans.  I have the pattern and yarn chosen for each.  I just don't know when I will squeeze these into my evening hand stitching time.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Winter UFO goals

On the last UFO challenge I completed one quilt, made progress on two, created a new UFO and ignored the rest.  This is the list of UFOs I want to make progress on this quarter:

1. Ladies of the Sea

 I got all of the blocks completed and trimmed last quarter.  I am now working on the nearly 400 HST blocks that will be part of the borders.  I would like to have this top completed this quarter.

2. Left Over Stars

I put a border on this top in October.  It needs a back, basting, quilting and binding.  I'd like to make progress on this before the next quarter.

3. Scrapitude Take 2

This should be the next quilt I prepare for quilting and start machine quilting.  I would like to have it completed before our guild's quilt show in May.  I guess I'd better get working on this.
4. Bright Baby Revisited

Yep, still on my list.

5. Handy Dandy Scrappy
Still here, too.

6. Put A Chicken On It

This is new to the list.  The top is a bonus quilt with left over pieces that I cut for the border of the star quilt (above).  The chicken is the product of a guild tutorial from this summer.  She had no place to go, and I thought she looked good on this background.  I may give her a few eggs to tend.  I bought a quilting template this fall that looks vaguely like chicken wire.  I plan to use that and practice my machine quilting. 

 7. Maxine

These little blocks showed up in my stash and I don't exactly remember how they got there.  I probably got them at a guild UFO auction.  I've got a bunch of bright fabrics to use as borders around the blocks.  I think there are 25 printed blocks in total.  This should be quick and easy to put together.

8. Blue Floral

I haven't even given this on a thought.

That's the list of the quilting projects I would like to concentrate on this quarter.  This doesn't address the knitting I would like to do, or the tessellating lizard hand piecing project I've been playing with (it's not technically a UFO yet.)  I certainly have enough to keep me busy for quite some time.