Monday, October 5, 2020

2020 Fourth Quarter Goals

 I've been thinking that this year has not been particularly productive for me.  But, when I think back, I've gotten a fair amount done.  I have not been productive every day.  I have not felt creative every day.  There are some days that just sitting on the couch is all I can do.  But, I've painted the deck, edged and mulched most of the garden beds, painted the garage, started and completed two quilts, started two sweaters (completed one), and worked on a good number of other quilts.  My UFO list is decreasing.  I have not started anything new that I have not completed.  I'm counting all this a being productive, despite feeling not quite myself.

I skipped the summer Ravelry quilt UFO challenge.  Mostly I could not bring myself to write a blog post.  I remember at the time feeling really overwhelmed and adding one more thing to my (self-imposed) list of things to do was depressing.  And, I figured I wouldn't get any of the UFOs done, so facing another list of things I hadn't done was not uplifting.  

Now, my outlook is a little rosier.  Some of the worries I had over the summer have been resolved, and I'm feeling a bit more creative.  So, here's the list of UFOs I plan to work on for the last quarter of the year:

1. Ladies of the Sea

I've been quilting on this most evenings.  I may have the quilting completed by the end of the year. I need to complete the hand quilting, bind and label.

2. Bright Baby revisited

I have not made progress on this.  The top is complete; it needs backing, basting, quilting and finishing.

3. Handy Dandy Scrappy

I basted this a few weeks ago.  It needs quilting, binding, and finishing.

4. Maxine

I put the top together and started quilting this a few weeks ago.  I need to complete the quilting, bind and finish

5. Blue Floral

I've been thinking about this and have a border design in my head.  That's as far as this has gotten.

6. Escher's Lizards

This will be my next hand project.  I've got the fabric and a few lizards put together as sort of a proof of concept.  I don't know how large I expect this quilt to be.

7. White Ginger

My daughter was engaged last November and has planned her wedding for November of 2021.  This is her wedding quilt.  I have the pattern, fabric, thread and desire.  I've had it in my head that I will start this in November and complete it by her wedding.  Time is getting close to start, so I should. Technically this is not a UFO since I haven't really started it yet. But I wanted it on the list so I don't forget that I want to work on this.

1 comment:

  1. SEW glad that you are feeling more like your usual creative self! Best of luck in the FALL 2020 (Ravelry) UFO Club. You certainly have some lovely projects in the works!!
