We spent a few hours there, but I think it's a place I could visit again and again.
The Biltmore and grounds were beautiful, but I was a bit put off by the price of everything and the many extras they were suggesting you purchase at every turn. I was glad to have visited once, but I think that's enough.
The day we visited the Biltmore was our anniversary, and the day before Father's day. We have some friends who live in NC, and they came out to Ashville to visit with us. We went out to dinner and then to the Highland brewery for after dinner beers and more conversation. I love meeting up with old friends. It's always as if time and distance evaporate and we take up where we left off when we last met. The time with them was the highlight of our Ashville visit.
Our next stop was the trip was Johnson City, TN for the COG (Concours Owners' Group, which is the bike DH rides) rally, which was the main reason for this entire trip.
All too soon the week was over and we were on the road again. We traveled north through WV stopping at the Beckley Exhibition Coal Mine.
We took a tour of what used to be a privately held coal mine and buildings that used to be in a coal camp, including a family house, an owner's house, a church, bachelor's camp and a school house. It was a very well done museum.
Our next stop was the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in Weston. This beautiful and huge building is no longer in use as a hospital. It was bought by a private party and is being restored. They hold tours that tall about it's fascinating history as well as some of the history of how mental health and other diseases were treated during it's history. I wish we had more time to spend here.
As we traveled through PA we made stops at the Flight 93 memorial park (a very moving place), the oldest continually owned gas station in the states and a terrific tree house in Scranton.
Then we finally arrived home, safe and happy to sleep in my own bed.
It was a wonderful trip full of new experiences and new places. We're already talking about our destination for next year's trip.
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