I'm in again for the Ravelry UFO club. I skipped the summer session because I was traveling so much that I knew I wouldn't get anything much accomplished quite-wise. But, now I'm home for the season, except for a quilt retreat where I hope to make a lot of progress.
So, this is what I'm focusing on for the remainder of the year:
1. Clutter Control
I fully expect to complete this. It is basted and I've started the machine quilting. Each block gets its own personality. Some of them are easier to choose a quilting pattern for than others. I really do like this quilt, but I have been procrastinating on quilting it for some reason. This was started in 1993, so it is definitely time to get this completed.
2. Handy Dandy Scrappy

This is the newest top in my stash. I have the back and binding pieced,
so it's just a matter of basting, quilting and finishing. I would like to have this quilt done in time for our guild show in May and I expect to do that.
3. Left Over Stars

This lap-sized quilt needs a border, backing, basting and finishing. This is another quilt I would like to have completed by May. I have the fabric and am planning a keyboard border and white binding. I am taking this to the quilt retreat and will probably finish the top there.
4. Bright Baby Revisited

This was on the list for one of the quilts I wanted to work on in the Spring, but that never happened. It is another of the projects that I will take to the quilt retreat, but it's low priority to finish. I'm looking forward to playing with machine quilting on this.
5. Ladies of the Sea

I am working on the hand applique on the last two ships in this pattern. My second priority at the quilt retreat is to get all the 1/2 square triangles for the sashing completed and get the entire top put together. I have no idea if this is a reasonable goal or not. But, I want to have the top completed before the end of the year, and that is a totally reasonable goal. Then starts the hand quilting. Any bets on how long that will take?
6. Scraptitude Take 2

I completed this top in the spring as a mystery project with my guild. I've made this pattern before and really like the results. This is another quilt that I would like to have done by May. It would be great to have a few from the guild completed and displayed together.
7. Blue Floral
Another long-term UFO that I have dug out of oblivion. I don't expect to have this done by the end of the year, but I want it out of the shadows so I can think about what I want to do with it. I'm taking another machine quilting class in November and the plan is to use this as a show piece for the great skills I will possess upon course completion. (Yes, I can be that delusional!)
These 7 are still a fraction of the 29 UFOs that are still on my list. But, I started the year with a list of 35, so 6 completions isn't too bad. Of course, this doesn't include a few projects that may or may not have been added since I officially counted in January. The focus is on these 7 for now. Then I can reevaluate again.
Wish me luck!